Travel and Mental health

Aratrica Chakraborty
3 min readOct 10, 2021

The idea of traveling is layered and extremely subjective. The true purpose of traveling differs from one person to another. When I say the word “Travel”, what is the first thing that comes to your mind?

Traveling is known to shape minds, hearts, and souls worldwide. It is an escape to a world you probably wish to live in for the rest of your life whether you prefer roaming the world alone or with your loved ones. But roaming the world is the source of all-around mind detox. Don’t you think so? How often have we thought of making plans to visit a particular place? How often do we indulge in researching about the place before we click on the “Book” option? How often have we spent daydreaming and saving up for our next destination? The monotony of everyday burnout can be dangerous and might end up wearing us down both mentally and physically. We often feel demotivated, low, stressed, anxious, and crying out loud for an escape.

Getting out and traveling can have many benefits for both your mental and physical health. Exploring new places and immersing yourself in new cultures is mentally stimulating. Having something to look forward to when you make a plan creates happiness and excitement, sometimes that is exactly what we miss in our lives. We look forward to experimenting with various cultures, read through travel blogs, and make a wish list of all the places we have been meaning to visit, from cafes to activities, there’s so much thrill involved just to think of ourselves to be there and experience everything, haven’t we all felt the same way? It’s always great to look up to something exciting and plan for it, it revives our energy, acts as a strong mood booster.

Also, haven’t we felt more creative while we travel? From experimenting with the perfect angle for the perfect shot or exposure to new cultures, making international friends, studying new languages, and taking in different types of food and music have been linked to better problem-solving skills. Travel helps you see the world in a new way. Moreover, the valuable lessons that you learn along the way broaden your perspective, making you more aware and open to new things. Just sitting quietly by the nature and soak as much sunlight as possible is a feeling which is tough to express. Every journey has a story to tell, every moment shared together with your loved ones at that moment might just help you bring you closer to yourself, something which we often miss. Travel teaches us to surrender control to the uncontrollable, diverts our mind, allows us to feel great about ourselves

Travel teaches us stories, stories that allow us to be happy and healthy. Every journey leaves back so much to ponder on for the rest of our lives. Time and again I open my travel basket where I collect little things from every place I have visited, from pebbles, shells, bills, tags to chopsticks, the joy of pondering upon them is beautiful, so close to my heart. I lack words. Have you ever done that?

World Mental health day today and every day. The sun is always brighter on the other end.Writer Patrick Rothfuss said, “ A long stretch of road can teach you more about yourself than a hundred years of quiet.” There’s no pressure to be okay. It’s really okay not to be okay.

